Vorkommen: Klasse 6 Wurmloch Systeme
Erlaubte Schiffe: alle
Typ: Data Site
Deutscher Titel: Ungesichertes wichtiges Datenfeld
Popup: From the moment your warp drive locks on to this mysterious deadspace signature, it becomes apparent that you have stumbled upon something significant. Despite countless years in the harsh environments of space, the area is exceptionally well maintained and protected with even more care. Whatever hidden secrets are encoded in these vast digital farms, they were clearly meant to stay that way.
In einem grünen Nebel befindet sich eine mehrstöckige runde Sleeper-Struktur - die 10 knackbaren Behälter sind drum herum zerstreut.
Erste Welle
- 3 Restless Sentry Tower
- 3 Wakeful Sentry Tower
- 1 Battleship (Sleepless Guardian) - NOS/web/scramble - nicht immer
- 3 Battleships (Sleepless Keeper) - NOS
- 2 Battleships (Sleepless Sentinel) - NOS/web/scramble
- 2 Battleships (Sleepless Warden) - remote rep - Trigger
- 10 Frigates (Emergent Sentinel) - web/scramble
Zweite Welle
- 3 Battleships (Sleepless Keeper) - NOS
- 3 Battleships (Sleepless Sentinel) - NOS/web/scramble
- 2 Battleships (Sleepless Warden) - remote rep - Trigger
- 6 Cruiser (Awakened Warden) - remote rep
Dritte Welle
- 3 Battleships (Sleepless Keeper) - NOS
- 3 Battleships (Sleepless Sentinel) - NOS/web/scramble
- 3 Battleships (Sleepless Warden) - remote rep - Trigger
- 4 Cruiser (Awakened Warden) - remote rep
Vierte Welle
- 6 Battleships (Sleepless Guardian) - NOS/web/scramble
- 8 Cruisers (Awakened Sentinel) - web
- 10 Frigates (Emergent Sentinel) - web/scramble
Jeder Typus an Capital-Ships, das in diese Seite einfliegt, verursacht eine weitere sog. Eskalationswelle
- 4 Battleships (Upgraded Avenger) - NOS/web/scramble
Es gibt zehn Container, die mit einem Codebreaker geöffnet werden können.
- 10 Spawned Sleeper Databank