Vorkommen: HiSec, LowSec
Erlaubte Schiffe: Battlecruiser und kleiner (keine Tech3-Cruiser)
Typ: Combat Site
Deutscher Titel: Serpentis Phi-Außenposten
Popup: The Serpentis-Phi alliance control this mining outpost. Business is limited but the owners of the outpost are nevertheless well-off.
DED Threat Assessment: Risky (4 of 10)
Erster Abschnitt[]
mportant - The mission into the Outpost was not a success. Our agent crashed somewhere along with his cargo. Recommend a salvage mission ASAP!
The timer on the message shows this to be a very recent entry in the database, only a few hours old or so..
Gruppe 1 - ca 10km, autoaggro
- 1 Cruiser (Corelum Chief Defender/Chief Protector)
- 1 Frigate (Coreli Guard/Safeguard)
Gruppe 2 - ca 50 km
- 3 Battlecruiser (Corelatis Squad Leader/Wing Leader)
- 2-3 Cruiser (Corelum Chief Defender/Chief Guard/Chief Protector/Chief Safeguard) - tw. damp
- 12-13 Frigates (Coreli Agent/Guard/Patroller/Safeguard/Spy/Watchman) - tw. damp
Gruppe 3 - ca 65 km
- 1-2 Cruiser (Corelum Chief Defender/Chief Guard/Chief Safeguard)
- 3-4 Frigates (Coreli Defender/Guard/Protector/Safeguard)
Der "Electronically Sealed Container" lässt sich erst öffnen, wenn die meisten Gegner abgeschossen worden sind, er enthält einen 7th Tier Overseer's Personal Effects (Wert ca. 600.000 ISK), einen Stolen Passkey (evtl. für das Beschleunigungstor) und etwas sonstige Beute.
Zweiter Abschnitt[]
Popup: The asteroid colonies that have been built here are for show only. This deadspace pocket contains labs and bunkers for enhancment drugs production and advanced neural experimental implanting.
Gruppe 1 - autoaggro
- 3 Battlecruiser (Corelatis Platoon Leader/Squad Leader/Wing Leader)
- 4-5 Cruiser (Corelum Chief Defender/Chief Protector/Chief Watchman)
- 5 Frigates (Coreli Guard/Safeguard/Spy)
Gruppe 2
- 1 Battleship (Phi-Operation Protector)
- 1 Battlecruiser (Corelatis Wing Leader)
- 4-5 Cruiser (Corelum Chief Defender/Chief Protector/Chief Safeguard/Chief Watchman) - tw. damp
- 13 Frigates (Coreli Guard/Initiate/Patroller/Safeguard/Scout/SpyWatchman) - tw. damp
Das Battleship hat ein Kopfgeld von 2.500.000 ISK, er repariert seine Armor recht schnell. In seiner Beute findet man normale Module, Corelum C-Type Faction Module und ein 8th Tier Overseer's Personal Effects (Wert ca. 1.2 Mio ISK). Außerdem kann eine Vigilant bpc droppen. Das Salvage hat Tech-2 Qualität.