EVE Sister Core Scanner Probe Wiki
EVE Sister Core Scanner Probe Wiki

Serpentis Logo

Vorkommen: LowSec, NullSec
Erlaubte Schiffe: alle
Typ: Anomalie (Combat)
Deutscher Titel: Serpentis-Knotenpunkt

Es gibt zwei verschiedene Arten der Guristas Hub Anomalie. Zum einen eine sog. Shipyard Hub, zum anderen eine sog. Armory Hub.

Shipyard Hub[]

Diese Anomalie besteht aus einem Dirty Shipyard und einigen Bunkern

Erste Welle


Serpentis Hub

  • 2 Serpentis Cruise Missiles Batteries
  • 2 Serpentis Heavy Missile Battery
  • 2 Tower Sentry Serpentis II
  • 2-3 Battleships (Core Admiral/High Admiral)
  • 2-3 Cruiser (Corelum Chief Defender/Chief Infantry/ Chief Protector/Chief Sentinel)

Zweite Welle
Meldung: Battlegroup Commander: Assume attack formation, all hands to battlestations!

  • 2-3 Battleships (Core Grand Admiral/Lord Admiral)
  • 2-3 Destroyer (Corelior Artillery/Cannoneer/Sentinel)

Dritte Welle
Meldung: More units join the battle!
Meldung: Battlegroup Commander: Hold fast men, reinforcements are here!

  • 2-3 Battleships (Core Admiral/High Admiral)
  • 2-3 Frigates (Coreli Defender/Guard/Protector/Safeguard)

Vierte Welle
Meldung: A large attack wing of Battlecruisers, with Battleship support, joins the fray!

  • 2-3 Battleships (Core Port Admiral/Rear Admiral)
  • 3-4 Battlecruiser (Corelatis Captain Sentry/High Captain)

Armory Hub[]


Serpentis Hub - Armory Hub

Diese Anomalie besteht aus einem 2 Armorys, 2 Lookouts und einem Bunker.

Erste Welle

  • 4 Tower Sentry Serpentis II
  • 2-3 Battleships (Core Admiral/High Admiral)
  • 2-3 Elite Frigates (Coreli Guardian Defender/Guard/Protector/Safeguard)

Zweite Welle
Meldung: Meldung: Nearby ships arrive at the facility and join the escalating battle!

  • 3-4 Battleships (Core Grand Admiral/Lord Admiral)
  • 3-4 Battlecruiser (Corelats Captain/Captain Sentry/High Captain/Platoon Leader/Squad Leader/Wing Leader)

Dritte Welle
Meldung: Site Commander: Hold on men! We must not lose this site!
More reinforcements arrive and join the fray!

  • 4 Battleships (Core Grand Admiral/Lord Admiral) - Trigger
  • 3-4 Battlecruiser (Corelats Captain Sentry/High Captain)
  • 3-4 Destroyer (Corelior Artillery/Cannoneer/Infantry/Sentinel/Soldier/Trooper)

Vierte Welle
Meldung: Site Commander: This is it people, it's now or never!

  • 3-4 Battleships (Core Baron/Commodore)
  • 3-4 Elite Cruiser (Corelum Guardian Chief Defender/Chief Infantry/Chief Protector/Chief Sentinel)

In seltenen Fällen wird in dieser Anomalie (egal welche der beiden Versionen) eine Eskalation ausgelöst. Diese führt eine Systeme entfernt zum 8/10er Komplex Serpentis Prison Camp. Dabei erscheint folgendes Popup: Onboard communication systems have picked up a Serpentis signal imbedded in a local entertainment broadcast. A Serpentis prison camp is located in a nearby system.
Backtracing signal.
Location found. Coordinates uploaded to the Expedition panel.
