Vorkommen: HiSec, LowSec
Erlaubte Schiffe: Destroyer und kleiner
Typ: Combat Site (Komplex)
Deutscher Titel: Ableger der Raubdrohnen-Verseuchung
Popup: This deadspace field appears to have been infested with a strain of rogue drones. Rogue drones are a self-replicating "life form" controlled by artificial intelligence, often in the form of a lucid communication hive mind or centered inside one of their dreaded rogue drone mothers. This particular complex is the construction site of a new hive, far away from its maternal headquarters.
DED Threat Assessment: Unsafe (2 of 10)
Alle Tore sind geschlossen, bis alle Gegner in den jeweiligen Abschnitten beseitigt worden sind
Erster Abschnitt[]
Popup: This deadspace complex pocket is under rogue drone domination. According to information gathered by explorers, it appears they have begun construction of a small hive deep inside the warp disruption field.
The first sector contains an old acceleration gate leading towards the outskirts of the drone operation.
- 2 Swarm - (Dragonfly/Scorpionfly Apis)
Zweiter Abschnitt[]
Popup: The outskirt pocket of the complex seems to serve as some kind of a defense perimeter. We have picked up multiple signals of drone activity from within the pocket, leading us to believe it is populated with weak and easily replaceable worker drones.
Gruppe 1 (Rogue Drone Container)
- 7-8 Frigates - (Infester/Render/Splinter Alvi)
- 7 Swarm - (Asmodeus/Beelzebub/Incubus/Malpais/Mammon/Moth/Termite Apis)
Aggro jeweils bei Annäherung.
Der Strain Opertion Bunker hinterläst nichts bei Abschuss
Dritter Abschnitt[]
Popup: This central pocket of the complex is the construction site of a rogue drone hive. If left uninterrupted, the complex might soon become the home of a rogue drone mother which would seriously jeopardize security within the system.
The construction supply containers have been reported to be defended by heavier types of rogue drones, thought to serve as overseers of the construction process.
- 1 Cruiser - (Wrecker Alvum)
- 9-11 Frigates - (Infester/Render/Splinter Alvi)
- 4-6 Swarms - (Arachula/Beelzebub/Belphegor/Mammon Apis)
Aggro jeweils bei Annäherung.
Der Rogue Drone Container enthält einige Einheiten Mineralien. Der Assembled Container enthält 5th Tier Overseer's Personal Effects (180.000 ISK wert). Beide Container können erst nach dem Ausschalten der Wächter geöffnet werden.
Das Hive under Constuction kann - wenn man will - abgeschossen werden, um einen leichteren Anflug zu den Containern zu ermöglichen.