Vorkommen: Vale of the Silent, E-8CSQ Konstellation
Erlaubte Schiffe: Sub-Capital
Typ: Combat Site
Diesen Komplex findet man nur in der COSMOS Konstellation E-8CSQ (Vale of the Silent). Obwohl man sich dort im Guristas Raum befindet, wird der Komplex von Serpentis Schiffen bevölkert.
Vor dem Beschelunigungstor[]
Popup: Serpentis and Cartel ships have recently been spotted near this asteroid strewn area of space. Their purpose here is unknown.
- 2 Battleships (Core Admiral/Rear Admiral)
- 2 Battlecruiser (Corelatis Squad Leader)
- 5 Elite Frigates (Coreli Guardian Defnder/Patroller) - tw. damp
Mann muss alle Gegner abschiessen, um das Tor benutzen zu können. Strukturen hinterlassen keine Beute.
Erster Abschnitt[]
Gruppe 1 - ca 10 km, autoaggro
- 5 Battleships (Core Flotilla Admiral/Rear Admiral) - tw. damp
Gruppe 2 - beim Beschleunigungstor
- 2 Battleships (Core Grand Admiral)
- 5 Elite Cruiser (Corelum Guardian Chief Guard/Chief SafeGuard) - damp
- 2 Elite Frigates (Coreli Guardian Initiate/Scout )
Gruppe 3 - bei den Felsbrocken
- 3 Battleships (Core Admiral/High Admiral)
- 3 Battlecruiser (Corelatis Platoon Leader/Squad Leader)
- 3 Destroyer (Corelior Artillery/Cannoneer)
Strukturen: keine Beute.
Zweiter Abschnitt[]
Gruppe 1 - ca 10 km, autoaggro
- 1 Faction Battleship (Shadow Core Port Admiral)
- 2 Battleships (Core Admiral/High Admiral)
- 2 Cruiser (Corelum Chief Protector)
Gruppe 2 - ca. 70 km
- 2 Battleships (Core Lord Admiral)
- 2 Elite Cruiser (Corelum Guardian Chief Guard/Chief SafeGuard) - damp
- 2 Elite Frigates (Coreli Guardian Agent/Spy)
Gruppe 3 - ca 110 km
- 2 Battleships (Core Admiral)
- 2 Elite Cruiser (Corelum Guardian Chief Defender)
- 2 Battlecruiser (Corelatis Platoon Leader)
- 4 Destroyer (Corelior Cannoneer/Sentinel)