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Vorkommen: NullSec, Region Cloud Ring
Erlaubte Schiffe: alle
Typ: Gas Site
Deutscher Titel: Blasser Nebel

Popup beim Warp-in: Viridian Cytoserocin - Originally thought to be little more than a picturesque deviation from the monotonous emptiness of space, scientists and unscrupulous entrepreneurs alike have begun to appreciate the various gas cloud formations that have been discovered in recent years. Initial research into the properties of the gaseous phenomena revealed that when it came to facilitating the growth of certain types of crystal, they were one of the most conducive environments in the entire cluster.
At first the crystal byproducts were viewed as a potential military innovation, offering slightly improved cost efficiency in electronics and weapons manufacture. When their massive potential for use in booster production was discovered however, viewpoints shifted dramatically, and nowadays they are coveted as a fundamental resource driving the burgeoning booster industry.

Man landet an zwei weissen Wolken

Erste Welle

  • keine Gegner


Pale Nebula

Gaswolken (ca. 150 km auseinander)

  • 2 Viridian Cytoserocin (1.000+ 5.000 Einheiten)

Während des Gas-Abbaus verursacht die Wolke immer wieder etwas thermischen Schaden. Dabei erscheint im Local Chat jeweils folgende Meldung: Harvesting the unstable Viridian Cytoserocin cloud has caused a violent thermal reaction, damaging all ships in the vicinity.

Stern gruen
