EVE Sister Core Scanner Probe Wiki
EVE Sister Core Scanner Probe Wiki
Sansha's Nation

Vorkommen: LowSec
Erlaubte Schiffe: Sub-Capital
Typ: Combat Site
Deutscher Titel: Kleiner Sansha-Anbau

Popup beim Anflug an das erste Tor: Previous explorers have commented that one of the gates requires a passkey. Alternatively, it can be bypassed by convincing the commander to unlock it. The overseer guards the Mind Control Tower vigorously.

Erster Abschnitt[]


Minor Sansha Annex 1

Erste Welle

  • 7-8 Centus Heavy Defense Batteries
  • 5-6 Centus Light Defense Batteries
  • 1-2 Battleships - Centus Facility Patroller (Centus Lord/Slave Lord)
  • 1-2 Frigates - Centii Facility Patroller (Centii Butcher/Manslayer/Plague)

Zweite Welle - wenn man am Beschleunigungstor ankommt.
Meldung: Someone has entered the vicinity of the acceleration gate, and has awakened the Slave Commander! Prepare for a fight, unless you have the means to bypass the gate's security system.
Centus Slave Commander: Fool, you've overstepped your welcome here. Minions, defend your master!

  • 1 Boss Battleship - Centus Slave Commander (Centus Plague Lord)
  • 4-5 Battleships (Centus Lord/Mutant Lord/Savage Lord/Slave Lord)
  • 1-2 Elite Cruiser (Centum Loyal Beast/Juggernaut)
  • 1-2 Destroyer (Centior Abomination/Horror)

Das Beschleunigungstor wird durch den Abschuss des Centus Slave Commanders entriegelt: The gate has been unlocked.

Keine der vielen Strukturen lässte Beute fallen.

Zweiter Abschnitt[]


Minor Sansha Annex 2

Erste Welle
Meldung: Signals coming from the Mind Control Tower resemble those used by Sansha commanders when they control their troops. The signals are emitting at a furious pace, indicating the residents of the Tower are becoming increasingly desperate.
Enemy craft have undocked from one of the Centus bunkers!

  • 4 Centus Heavy Missile Batteries (Sansha HeavyMissile Battery)
  • 5-8 Battleships (Centus Lord/Centus Slave Lord)
  • 1 Boss Battleship - Centus Militant Supervisor (Centus Dark Lord/Overlord)
  • 5 Elite Cruiser - Supervisor's Minion (Centum Loyal Mutilator/Torturer)
  • 5-9 Battlecruiser (Centatis Behemoth/Daemon)
  • 3 Elite Frigates - Supervisor's Wingman (Centii Loyal Minion/Servant) - web/scramble
  • 3-4 Elite Frigates (Centii Loyal Savage/Scavenger/Servant/Slavehunter) - web/scramble/Tracking Disruptor
  • 1 Faction Battlecruiser (True Sansha's Phantasm/Specter) - nicht immer

Der Faction Battlecruiser lässt mit etwas Glück mehr als nur ein nette Faction Modul fallen, mindestens jedoch eine Hundemarke und Faction Munition.

Die Centus Bunker lassen manchmal etwas Munition fallen.

Aus diesem Komplex kann die Eskalation Sansha Owned Station enstehen.
