Vorkommen: LowSec
Erlaubte Schiffe: Sub-Capital
Typ: Combat Site (Komplex)
Deutscher Titel: Kleiner Blood Raider-Anbau
Popup bei Ankunft am Beschleunigungstor: Previous explorers have commented that one of the gates requires a passkey. Alternatively, it can be bypassed by convincing the commander to unlock it. The overseer guards the Cathedral vigorously.
Erster Abschnitt[]
Erste Welle
- 7 Battleships (Corpus Apostle/Oracle)
- 4-5 Battlecruiser (Centatis Bishop/Fanatic/Phantom/Seer/Shade)
- 1 Elite Frigate - Elder Corpii Spy Drone (Spider Drone II) - Trigger
Zweite Welle
Meldung: More Corpus ships have arrived!
- 8 Elite Cruiser (Elder Corpum Arch Priest/Arch Sage/Priest/Sage) - tw. NOS
- 1 Elite Frigate - Elder Corpii Spy Drone (Spider Drone II) - Trigger
Dritte Welle
Meldung: More Corpus ships have arrived!
- 2-3 Battleships (Corpus Apostle/Oracle)
- 3 Elite Cruiser (Elder Corpum Priest/Sage) - NOS
- 2-3 Elite Frigates (Elder Corpii Follower/Herald/Worshipper) - web/scramble
- 1 Elite Frigate - Elder Corpii Spy Drone (Spider Drone II) - Trigger
Vierte Welle
Meldung: Corpus Militant Commander: Who dares interrupt the Blood Games? I'll have your head on a platter and personally deliver it to the Overlord for your impudence.
- 2 Battleships (Corpus Apostle/Oracle)
- 5-6 Destroyer (Corpior Cleric/Friar)
- 1 Boss Battleship - Corpus Militant Commander (Corpus Monsignor)
Das Beschleunigungstor wird durch den Abschuss des Corpus Militant Commander entriegelt. Dabei erscheint folgende Nachricht im Local Chat: The destruction of the Militant Commander has activated a mechanism inside the nearby acceleration gate. It now appears to be unlocked.
Alternativ kann man das Tor auch mit einem Blood Crystal Tag Passieren (Wird dabei verbraucht).
Blitz: Trigger-Drohnen und Corpus Militant Commander abschiessen;
Zweiter Abschnitt[]
Erste Welle
Meldung: Cathedral Priest: The infidels are here! Defend the cathedral with your lives, brethren.
- 2 Blood Stasis Tower
- 7-8 Battleships (Corpus Apostle/Archon/Oracle/Prophet)
- 2-3 Elite Cruiser (Elder Corpum Arch Templar/Priest/Revenant) - NOS/Tracking Disruptor
- 2-3 Elite Frigates (Elder Corpii Follower/Herald/Upholder/Worshipper) - web/scramble
- 2-3 Destroyer (Corpior Cleric/Devoter/Friar)
- 1 Elite Frigate - Elder Corpii Spy Drone (Spider Drone II) - web - Trigger
Zweite Welle
Meldung: Corpus reinforcements have arrived!
- 6-7 Battleships (Corpus Archon/Prophet)
- 2 Elite Cruiser (Elder Corpum Arch Priest/Arch Sage)
- 2-3 Elite Frigates (Elder Corpii Collector/Follower/Seeker/Worhipper) - tw. web/scramble
- 4-5 Destroyer (Corpior Cleric/Devoter/Friar/Templar/Visionary)
- 1 Elite Frigate - Elder Corpii Spy Drone (Spider Drone II) - Trigger
Dritte Welle
Meldung: More Corpus reinforcements have arrived!
- 1-2 Battleships (Corpus Prophet)
- 1-2 Elite Cruiser (Elder Corpum Arch Priest/arch Sage)
- 1-2 Battlecruiser (Corpatis Fanatic/Shade)
Vierte Welle - wenn man die Blood Raider Chathedral angreift
Meldung: The Corpus Militant Overseer and his cohorts have undocked from the Cathedral.
Corpus Militant Overseer: You dare attack our place of reverence! You shall be punished for this blasphemous act, infidels!
- 1 Boss Battleship - Corpus Militant Supervisor (Corpus Cardinal) - Trigger
- 2 Battleships - Supervisor's Guardian (Corpus Monsignor)
- 6 Elite Frigates - Supervisor's Henchman (Elder Corpii Engraver/Reaver)
Fünfte Welle
- 3-4 Battlecruiser (Corpatis Exorcist/Phantom)
- 3 Elite Frigates (Elder Corpii Follower/Herald/Worshipper) - tw. web/sramble
- 1 Faction Battlecruiser (Dark Blood Seer) - nicht immer
Aus diesem Komplex kann eine Eskalation ausgelöst werden: Blood Owned Station (Station im Besitz der Blood Raider). Mögliche Auslöser sind der Abschuss des Corpus Militant Supervisors, Faction Battlecruisers oder der Blood Raider Cathedral.
Das Faction Schiff lässt minderwertige Faction-Beute fallen (Hundemarke, Munition, evtl. ein Modul). Die Kapelle hinterlässt einen Container mit Handelswaren.