Vorkommen: NullSec
Erlaubte Schiffe: Sub-Capitals
Typ: Combat Site
Deutscher Titel: Dark Blood-Flottenstützpunkt
Popup: Intelligence indicates this site is a fleet staging area for the Blood Raider Convenat. Resources and ships travel to this location from a remote base, coming here to re-arm and refuel. Elimination of forces at the staging area should reveal the location of the remote base.
DED Threat Assessment: 9 of 10
Erster Abschnitt[]
Erste Welle
- 4 Battleships (Corpus Patriarch/Pope) - Trigger
- 3 Battlecruiser (Corpatis Fanatic/Phantom)
- 3 Destroyer (Corpior Devoter/Friar)
Zweite Welle
- 6 Battleships (Corpus Patriarch/Pope)
- 3 Battlecruiser (Corpatis Fanatic/Phantom)
- 3 Destroyer (Corpior Devoter/Friar)
Zweiter Abschnitt[]
Erste Welle
- 2 Blood Energy Neutralizer Sentries II - NOS
- 4 Blood Cruise Missiles Batteries
- 2 Blood Point Defense Batteries
- 4 Battleships (Corpus Patriarch/Pope) - Trigger
- 2 Battlecruiser (Corpatis Fanatic/Phantom)
- 2 Destroyer (Corpior Devoter/Friar)
Zweite Welle
- 4 Battleships (Corpus Patriarch/Pope)
- 2 Battlecruiser (Corpatis Fanatic/Phantom)
- 2 Destroyer (Corpior Devoter/Friar)
Dritte Welle
- 3 Battleships (Corpus Patriarch/Pope)
- 2 Battlecruiser (Corpatis Fanatic/Phantom)
- 2 Destroyer (Corpior Devoter/Friar)
Keine Beute aus den Strukturen.
Es wird im Normalfall eine Eskalation ausgelöst: Dark Blood Fleet Staging Point 2+3 (Dark Blood-Flottenstützpunkt P2). Dabei erscheint im Local Chat folgende Meldung: Scans show that the nearby supply cache has been used to store goods stolen from a nearby system. Te Blood Raiders likely have a larger contigent there. Coordinates have been uploaded to the Expedition panel in your NeoCom Journal.