Vorkommen: HiSec
Erlaubte Schiffe: alle
Typ: Relic Site
Deutscher Titel: Zerfallender Guristas-Kristall-Steinbruch
Popup: Ancient ruins stand silent and still in the cold vacuum of space, a sober reminder of times long since past. A Relic Analyzer module will be vital in gaining a deeper understanding of the numerous artifacts located here and finding something of value amongst the rubble.
Einige zerbrochene Felsen....
Der Platz hat 4 Container
- 4 Guristas Debris
Mögliche Beute
- BPC Small/X-Large Ancillary Armor Repairer
- Tech 1 Salvage
- Tech 2 Salage
- Rigging Skillbücher
- Spatial Attunement Unit
- Carbon
- Metal Scraps