Vorkommen: Wurmloch Systeme Klasse 6
Erlaubte Schiffe: alle
Typ: Anomalie (Combat)
Deutscher Titel: Wichtige Zitadelle
Popup: Suddenly the illusion of solitude shatters. Slender, articulated obsidian shapes slide toward you from the surrounding darkness of space. Your sensors scream claxons into your auditory cortex as the drones' targeting systems lock onto your ship. You are not alone. Perhaps you never were.

Core Citadel
The Sleepers have risen.
Erste Welle
- 1 Battleship (Sleepless Keeper) - NOS
- 1 Battleship (Sleepless Sentinel) - NOS/web/scramble
- 1 Battleship (Sleepless Warden) - remote rep - Trigger
Zweite Welle
- 3 Battleships (Sleepless Sentinel) - NOS/web/scramble
- 1 Battleship (Sleepless Warden) - remote rep - Trigger
- 8 Frigates (Emergent Keeper) - NOS/remote rep
Dritte Welle
- 3 Battleships (Sleepless Keeper) - NOS - Trigger
- 3 Battleships (Sleepless Warden) - remote rep
- 8 Frigates (Emergent Keeper) - NOS/remote rep
Vierte Welle
- 2 Battleships (Sleepless Guardian) - NOS/web/scramble
- 6 Frigates (Emergent Keeper) - NOS/remote rep
Jeder Typus an Capital-Ships, das in diese Seite einfliegt, verursacht eine weitere sog. Eskalationswelle
- 4 Battleships (Upgraded Avenger) - NOS/web/scramble