EVE Sister Core Scanner Probe Wiki
EVE Sister Core Scanner Probe Wiki

Vorkommen: HiSec, LowSec
Erlaubte Schiffe: Destroyer/Interdictor und kleiner
Typ: Combat Site
Deutscher Name: Blood Raider Human Farm

Popup: Between their extreme religious views and their fixation on capsuleer blood, it can be easy to forget the "raider" part of the Blood Raider Covenant. Blood Raider wolf packs are a deadly reminder of this. Should any CONCORD or otherwise friendly vessel encounter a raiding party, it is recommended that any Dark Blood Alpha encountered be eliminated on sight.

DED Threat Assessment: 2/10

Erster Abschnitt[]


Blood Raider Human Farm 1

Popup: Incoming DED Transmission - For many people, the so-named "human farm" is the single most terrifying aspect of the Covenant's legend: an extensive facility, often spanning several pockets of deadspace, where captured human beings are harvested for their blood, sustained in a weakened state on endless treadmills of excruciating torment. While some choose to disbelieve that such places exist, the facts of the matter unfortunately speak for themselves.


  • 6 Blood Raider Sentry Guns
  • 24 Frigates (Corpi Follower/Herald/Upholder/Worshipper)

Zweiter Abschnitt[]


Blood Raider Human Farm 2


  • 3 Blood Raider Sentry Guns
  • 3 Blood Stasis Tower
  • 10 Frigates (Corpi Follower/Herald/Upholder/Worshipper)

Dritter Abschnitt[]


Blood Raider Human Farm 3


  • 5 Cruiser (Corpum Arch Reaver/Sage) - tw. NOS
  • 13 Frigates (Corpi Follower/Herald/Upholder/Worshipper)

Vierter Abschnitt[]


Blood Raider Human Farm 4


  • 1 Faction Frigate (Dark Blood Keeper)
  • 9 Cruiser (Corpum Arch Reaver/Arch Templar/Revenant) - Tracking Disruptor
  • 8 Frigates (Corpi Collector/Herald/Seeker/Upholder) - tw. Tracking Disruptor

Im Wrack des Dark Blood Keeper findet man einen 6th Tier Overseer's Personal Effects (Wert: 360.000 ISK) und mit Glück auch ein oder zwei Corpi B-Type Faction Gegenstände.
