EVE Sister Core Scanner Probe Wiki
EVE Sister Core Scanner Probe Wiki

Vorkommen: LowSec, NullSec
Erlaubte Schiffe: alle
Typ: Anomalie (Combat)
Deutscher Titel: Hafen der Blood Raider

Es gibt zwei Varianten dieser Anomalie. Die erste lässt sich durch eine Asteroidenmine identifizieren, die zweite erkennt man an einer Ansammlung von Fabrikstrukturen.

Asteroiden Minen Port[]

Man landet an einer dieser typischen halbmondförmigen Asteroidenminen


Blood Port - Asteroidenmine

Erste Welle
Meldung: Defense Commander: We have incoming! All ships, engage the hostiles and buy the transports time to escape. We need that ore out of here!
Transport Captain: We're in the middle of loading operations. There's no chance in hell we can take off any time soon!

  • 2 Blood Heavy Missile Battery
  • 2 Tower Sentry Bloodraider II
  • 3-4 Cruiser (Corpum Dark Priest/Shadow Sage)
  • 3-4 Destroyer (Corpior Cleric/Converter/Devoter/Friar/Templar/Visionary)

Zweite Welle
Meldung: Reinforcements arrive to bolster the defences. Their arrival comes to late for their comrades however.

  • 3-4 Battlecruiser (Corpatis Exorcist/Phantom)
  • 3-4 Destroyer (Corpior Cleric/Converter/Devoter/Friar/Templar)

Dritte Welle
Meldung: More ships warp in as the engagement escalates!

  • 2-3 Battleships (Corpus Cardinal/Monsignor)
  • 2-4 Cruiser (Corpum Arch Priest/Arch Sage/Dark Priest/Shadow Sage)

Vierte Welle
Meldung: Further reinforcements arrive at the scene.

  • 3-4 Battleships (Corpus Patriarch/Pope)
  • 3-4 Battlecruiser (Corpatis Bishop/Exorcist/Fanatic/Phantom/Seer/Shade)

Keine der Strukturen beinhaltet Beute.

Fabrik Port[]

Man landet an einer Ansammlung von Fabrikstrukturen.


Blood Port - Fabrik

Erste Welle

  • 2 Blood Heavy Missile Battery
  • 2 Tower Sentry Bloodraider II
  • 3-4 Battlecruiser (Corpatis Bishop/Seer)
  • 3-4 Elite Frigates (Elder Corpii Diviner/Engraver/Raider/Reaver)

Zweite Welle
Meldung: An enemy squadron answers their comrade's distress call and enters the fray!

  • 2-3 Battlecruiser (Corpatis Exorcist/Phantom)
  • 2-3 Elite Frigates (Elder Corpii Diviner/Engraver/Fanatic/Raider/Reaver)

Dritte Welle
Meldung: The battle escalates with the arrival of more unfriendly ships.

  • 3-4 Battleships (Corpus Cardinal/Monsignor)
  • 6-7 Battlecruiser (Corpatis Bishop/Exorcist/Fanatic/Phantom/Shade/Seer)
  • 3 Destroyer (Corpior Cleric/Converter/Devoter/Friar/Templar/Visionary)

Vierte Welle
Meldung: Defense Wing Leader: Those were good men and women, you'll pay for that!

  • 2-3 Battleships (Corpus Apostle/Oracle)
  • 2-3 Battlecruiser (Corpatis Fanatic/Seer/Shade)

