Vorkommen: LowSec, NullSec
Erlaubte Schiffe: alle
Typ: Anomalie (Combat)
Deutscher Titel: Einsames Angel-Versteck
Popup: Operating from the heart of the Curse region, the Angel Cartel is today the largest and best organized of the space-based criminal factions. The Angels are divided into several groups, each with a very special function; it is commanded by the Dominations. In the century they've been lurking in deep space, they have stolen, plundered, or sabotaged countless number of ships and kidnapped, assaulted, or murdered thousands of people. The Angels recruit members from all the races, and are thus not bound to any one zone of operation; instead, their reach spans almost the entire known universe. Many believe that the Angels got their power by uncovering Jovian technologies hidden in their ancient homeworlds, now infested by the Angel Cartel.
Erste Welle
- 2-3 Elite Cruiser (Arch Gistum Centurion/Phalanx)
- 2-3 Battlecruiser (Gistatis Legatus/Tribunus)
Zweite Welle
- 2-3 Elite Cruiser (Arch Gistum Centurion/Phalanx)
- 2-3 Elite Frigates (Arch Gistii Ambusher/Hunter/Impaler/Raider)
Dritte Welle
- 3-4 Elite Cruiser (Arch Gistum Centurion/Liquidator/Marauder/Phalanx)
- 3-4 Battlecruiser (Gistatis Legatus/Tribunus)
Vierte Welle
- 3-4 Battlecruiser (Gistatis Legatus/Tribunus)
Fünfte Welle
- 4 Battlecruiser (Gistatis Legatus/Tribunus)
- 3 Cruiser (Gistum Centurion/Liquidator/Marauder/Phalanx)
Sechste Welle
- 2 Battlecruiser (Gistatis Legatus/Tribunus)
- 2-3 Elite Frigates (Arch Gistii Hijacker/Rogue) - web/scramble